We use force-free, science-based methods for our training

DOs and DON'Ts of Dog Training

At Sit Happens we are obsessed with the mental wellbeing of dogs and their guardians. We know that dog owners need pragmatic, hands-on, easy solutions to implement in their day-to-day lives and we know what dogs need to be satisfied and happy. We train using solution-based methods while considering these three overlapping sets of considerations: human, canine and lifestyle.

  • We work with the Code of Ethics of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers New Zealand.

  • Building that special bond and relationship with your dog based on mutual trust and respect.

  • Consistent & clear communication makes your dog look to you for guidance, and be your loyal companion for life.

  • Using training methods that are data & science-based, gentle, kind, empathetic, individualised/tailored and reward-based: informed by science, guided by empathy and governed by ethics!

  • Encouraging your dog and your family to make better choices whilst avoiding doing any harm that would come from using fear, force or intimidation.

  • Making dog training easy to implement in everyday life, providing the guardian with simple techniques and plans.

  • We believe that true professionals are never done learning and invest in constant up-skilling, including going to conferences at least once a year.

Graduate LIFE SKILLS Agreement/booking

Agreement to our method of training is required to participate in our Training. Once you have committed to the points below, a button with A booking option will appear.

Booking of training is conditional on ticking all boxes below truthfully and following Covid-19 safety measures, such as not attending when sick. Read here our mask policy.