Leadership over Dominance • Cooperation over Confrontation • Science over Tradition


At Sit Happens we are obsessed with the mental wellbeing of dogs and their guardians. We know that dog owners need pragmatic, hands-on, easy solutions to implement in their day-to-day lives and we know what dogs need to be satisfied and happy. We train using solution-based methods while considering these three overlapping sets of considerations: human, canine and lifestyle.

  • We work with the Code of Ethics of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers New Zealand.

  • Building that special bond and relationship with your dog based on mutual trust and respect.

  • Consistent & clear communication makes your dog look to you for guidance, and be your loyal companion for life.

  • Using training methods that are data & science-based, gentle, kind, empathetic, individualised/tailored and reward-based: informed by science, guided by empathy and governed by ethics!

  • Encouraging your dog and your family to make better choices whilst avoiding doing any harm that would come from using fear, force or intimidation.

  • Making dog training easy to implement in everyday life, providing the guardian with simple techniques and plans.

  • We believe that true professionals are never done learning and invest in constant up-skilling, including going to conferences at least once a year.


A criminal record covers criminal and traffic convictions but does not include charges that haven't gone to court yet, infringements and charges where the person wasn't convicted.

Skills and knowledge to help your pet in an emergency, help keep them alive, alleviate pain & suffering.

A Living Wage is the income necessary to provide workers and their families with the basic necessities of life. A Living Wage will enable workers to live with dignity and to participate as active citizens in society. https://www.livingwage.org.nz

All our treats are NATURAL, NEW ZEALAND MADE, clean to handle, come in small sizes and are easily broken up into even smaller pieces, perfect for training as they are very high value and therefore highly motivating. No grains, top quality animal protein and a multitude of natural vitamins and minerals.






Every family, every person is unique in the way they learn, think, feel and express themselves. Each and everyone has a different history with dogs in their life and different expectations. We aim to pick you up where you are at and help you progress from there whilst always keeping in mind what your goals are.

We will help you put in place clear rules and boundaries, so you can feel confident about your choices. All you need to do is embark on the journey of our ethical way of training your dog/s.

Dogs come in all different sizes, breeds, ages, temperaments and with a multitude of different learning backgrounds. We work with all dogs, no matter what and adjust our approach to their feelings, needs and levels. Helping you build an incredible relationship with your dog and ensuring your dog can always rely on you, trust you and feel safe is our highest priority.

By reinforcing good choices, your dogs will more and more want to do the things that we consider good behaviours in our human world.

We respect that the reasons to add a dog into your family differ for everyone. Some want a snuggle buddy, some want an exercise mate, some want a hunting helper and others want something completely different.

Whatever the reason is you got your dog, we are happy to help you set your life at home up for a happy house sharing and get your dog out and about to be happily behaving like a dog does whilst keeping within reasonable boundaries to keep everyone happy and safe.